Scarface Factory Set

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Scarface Factory Set OT-004

30 Adet Lobby Cart - Brian De Palma'nın unutulmaz filmi Scarface'in en can alıcı sahnelerinin bulunduğu özel kolekisyon.Puro kutusu seklinde özel dizayn saklama kutusu ile beraber.

No. Kart Tanımı

1 Scarface is a brutal ... Intro Card

Famous Quotes Cards

2 "Every dog has his day"
3 "Say goodnight to the bad guy"
4 "Hey baby what is your problem? Huh, you got a
5 "The only thing in this world that gives order
6 "You die, Motherf***er! Look at you now, you p
7 "F*** Gaspar Gomez, and f*** the f***in' Diaz
8 "You know what capitalism is? Gettin' f***ed!"
9 "I didn't come to the United States to break m
10 "I'm Tony Montana! You f*** wit me, you f***in
11 "You wanna f*** with me? Okay. You wanna play
12 "I always tell the truth. Even when I lie."
13 "What you think I am? What you think. I a f***
14 "In this country, you gotta make the money fir
15 "You think you can take me? You need a f***ing
16 "I neva f***ed anybody over in my life, who di
17 "Who put this thing together? Me, that's who!
18 "Why don't you try sticking your head up your
19 "I kill a communist for fun, but for a Green C
20 "This is paradise, I'm tellin' ya. This town l
21 "You wanna waste my time? Okay. I call my lawy

Silhouette Puzzle-Back Cards

-- Al Pac
-- ino Sc
-- arface
-- One of them found it on the Sun-washed avenues
-- (white torso)
-- He was Tony Montana. The world will remember H
-- (all black)
-- (white legs and gun)
-- (hand on white background)