WETA2-010 WETA2-010 Weta Kili The Dwarf 1/6 Statue
WETA2-012 WETA2-012 Weta Bofur The Dwarf 1/6 Statue
WETA2-011 WETA2-011 Weta Gollum Enraged 1/6 Statue
WETA2-007 WETA2-007 Weta King Kong Jack's And Denham's Ravine Struggle Statue
WETA2-008 WETA2-008 Weta King Kong Skull Island Natives Statue
WETA2-005 WETA2-005 Weta Balin The Dwarf 1/6 Statue
WETA2-006 WETA2-006 Weta Dwalin The Dwarf 1/6 Statue
WETA2-004 WETA2-004 Weta Strider Statue
WETA2-001 WETA2-001 Weta Bilbo Baggins 1/6 Statue
WETA2-002 WETA2-002 Weta Thorin Oakenshield 1/6 Statue
WETA2-003 WETA2-003 Weta Gandalf The Grey 1/6 Statue
WETA1-002 WETA1-002 Weta Orthanc Black Tower of Isengard